Selling or value a home in Nijmegen or Arnhem?

Value and/or sell your home with Nijenhuis Taxaties in Nijmegen or Arnhem. We know the market and would be pleased to help you to sell your house. Nijenhuis Taxaties is our partner in this area.

This is how you reach us

Our office in

Freelance Makelaar & Taxateur

Your real estate agent in Nijmegen and Arnhem

Our office can guide you through the proces in Nijmegen and Arnhem and surrounding areas. Our partner Nijenhuis Taxaties will do the valuations of your property and give service to the sale of your house in any surrounding area.

Selling a home, what does that cost?

Selling a home, what does that cost?

We ensure clear agreements without surprises afterwards. Based on your preferences, we agree in advance on a fixed price, or a commission based on a percentage (Real Estate Agency) of the sales price. Contact us for a no-obligation custom quote.

Selling a home, what does that cost?
Selling your house in Nijmegen or Arnhem

Selling your house in Nijmegen or Arnhem

Thanks to our online bidding platform, you as a seller are really in control. All bids are logged in a digital bid log. Do you opt for open bidding? Then you can also follow all bids live, so you immediately know where you stand. Our colleagues will help you choose the best bidding procedure and support you throughout the entire sales process. Click here for more information about our services.

In addition, it is of course useful to get an idea of the actual value of your home. Thanks to our handy value check, you will receive an indication of the home value in your inbox within a few minutes.

Selling your house in Nijmegen or Arnhem
Value your home in Nijmegen or Arnhem

Value your home in Nijmegen or Arnhem

We have got a collaboration with Nijenhuis Taxaties. We offer you help to sell your house and to value in any surrounding area.

Value your home in Nijmegen or Arnhem

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